Alarming Which You Can Control

Alarming at Your Fingertips
View and control alarms throughout your SCADA environment
AlarmSuite is a companion product created by Switchbuild for Aveva Intouch and Aveva System Platform SCADA systems. Its purpose is to notify operators of alarms and forward their acknowledgements to the SCADA system.
Clear and concise controls, easy layout and intuitive to use AlarmSuite provides reliable alarming to your plant. Whether you are an operator in the field, on the plant floor or at a Supervisory level AlarmSuite is the ideal tool for your alarming toolbox.
Experience provides insight
With stacks of first hand industry experience Switchbuilds AlarmSuite was built from the ground up with your plant in mind.
Alarm details are extracted from your SCADA environment - no double handling requried.
Intuitive operation
Giving flexibility to your
SCADA alarm environment and
drop and drag setup
A team of top rate programmers
and service personnel developed this product and continue to test it.
Torture tested in the forges
of many VM servers to prove unparalleled reliability

Learn All About the Advantages that AlarmSuite Has to Offer
Simple Setup
Setup is as simple as importing the alarm structure from the SCADA, defining a list of operators, including their contact method (SMS, email or Android app), then creating as many alarm plans as is required.
Powerful Alarm Plans
Alarm plans are associated with alarm areas imported directly from Intouch or System Platform. They define the alarm escalation rules, the days and the time of day that the alarms are to be reported and the priority or severity of alarms that are reported by the plan. High priority alarms can be handled differently from low priority alarms. Areas to be alarmed are simply dragged into the alarm plans.
Fair Licensing
For us, it's all about the people
AlarmSuite licensing is based on the number of operators you need to send alarms to, not the number of alarms reported, or tags interrogated. A base system comes with a two operator licences. Anytime you need to upgrade the number of operators, just contact your distributor and they’ll provide you with a new licence key for the required number of operators.
Staying connected
Stay in touch with your plant, find the method that fits your lifestyle
Bi directional SMS allows remote acknowledgment
Alarms in your inbox, acknowledge a world of alarms from anywhere
Oversite at your fingertips. Staying totally connected with your mobile device
App for Android and iOS
Be in Touch
We want to hear from you!
Tel: +6434664281 | Fax: +6434551075
22 Melbourne St, Dunedin, New Zealand